What You Should Know Before Taking Your GED


The GED is not a single test but a group of four subject tests. GED stands for General Education Development and is an alternative to a high school diploma. The general education diploma in Pennsylvania is available to all individuals who possess a high school level education and are capable of taking the test.


As a provider of general education in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, we will discuss what you need to know before taking your GED:

  • How will I take the GED?

    The GED exam is offered on a computer and not in a paper format. The only exception to this is if the test taker has a disability and needs accommodations. However, the test is not offered online and can only be taken at one of the many test centers situated around the country. Passing the GED is essential to adult education in Philadelphia County.

  • What is on the exam?

    The GED exam will consist of four major sections: mathematical reasoning, social studies, science, and reasoning through language arts. Reasoning through language arts measures your knowledge and critical reasoning skills in the fields of grammar, reading comprehension, and essay writing.

  • How do I prepare for the exam?

    Most students spend around three months preparing for the GED exam. During this period, you can divide your time according to which subject areas you need to focus on the most. One of the best ways to prepare for the exam is to take a practice test. This will help you get familiar with the test.

Kisasa Institute of Adult Education is an adult education provider offering customer service certification, GED support, and more. Contact us for inquiries about our programs and services.

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