Kisasa Institute of Adult Education Announcements

1. All students are to abide by federal, state, and local guidelines regarding COVID-19.

Please visit the below websites to obtain updates and resources on the Coronavirus (COVID-19):

Covid-19 questions and answers:
Learn about Social distancing:
How to remove Personal Protective Equipment:

2. Zoom meeting days are Wednesdays and Fridays @11:30 am, and all students are required to attend one or both of the meetings. Please call, text or email us if you have any concerns or questions. 

3. We have supplies that are available to the general public: (Food items – rice, oil, baby care, and food items. First come, first served.)

4. Job training and placement opportunity are available for participants and others who may not fit the profile of our students. 

About Kisasagoka

This site is intended to promote a space where people in our community can find a place to get help with adult education. We cater to four specific aspects of adult needs: GED, Improve English Language Skills (ESL/ELL), Job Readiness and Immigration Support. We are currently working to improve adult education availability for all age group at no cost or at minimal cost.
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